Keiser Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor
More About Liz
As a Keiser-certified Indoor Cycling Instructor, Liz loves sharing her enjoyment of cycling and exercise. While not intending to become a cycling instructor, Liz became intrigued when UVAC was looking for new instructors. So she dove head-first into the certification process, working with great mentors at UVAC along the way. Liz especially enjoys welcoming beginners to indoor cycling and structures her classes so everyone can get a good workout and have fun.
When she’s not working out at UVAC, Liz is a long-distance runner, works for the University of Florida Office of Sustainability (remotely!), and enjoys chasing after her two young sons. Liz lives with her husband, sons, 2 cats and 7 chickens in Wilder VT, and the entire (human) family can be seen mountain biking or biking on the Wilder bike path on occasion.