After Hours Events

After Hours Events at Upper Valley Aquatic Center

Have Your Special Private Event After Hours at UVAC!

Perfect for teams, clubs, organizations, companies and private parties. Groups arrive 30 minutes after UVAC has closed, so you have use of the facility just for your party on Friday, Saturday or Sunday night. With our a-la-carte pricing structure, you can customize your event to your liking!

Please reserve your spot 30 days in advance.

Interested in bringing your Camp, Team, School or Business to UVAC? Any recognized organization of 10 or more children and adults are eligible to receive a discount for Group Visits!


What Parts of the Center Do You Have Access To?
  • Splash Park Party Room
  • Warm Water Pool and Splash Park and/or Competition Pool
  • Men’s and Women’s locker rooms. Family locker rooms available upon request
Times Available
  • Friday 7:45 pm - 9:45 pm
  • Saturday 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
  • Sunday 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
What’s Included and How Much Does it Cost?
  • Pick and choose the below options to customize your event!
  • Pricing for members and non-members are the same
  • Additional time available for an additional cost

Pool plus Private Room Time (per pool/Minimum 2 hours)

$700 for 2 hrs, $150 non-refundable deposit included

Extra hour of Pool & Private Room (per pool)

$100 per hour

Rock Block Bluetooth Speaker

$20 per hour


$25 Total

Water Volleyball Game with Instructor

$45 per hour


$20 – Large 16″ Cheese, $22 – Large 16″ Pepperoni

Extra people (beyond 30)

$5 per person


For more information, contact Rachel Courchaine

 802-296-2850 ext 102

Access to the Splash Park, *Fitness Center, and Competition Pool (*some age restrictions apply)
+70 FREE weekly Fitness Classes (ages +16)
Use of the outdoor trails and basketball court
Family change room

  • Bathing suit, towel, goggles, soap for showering off. If you forget one, we sell them.
  • Adult guests should bring a current Valid ID
  • US Coast Guard approved flotation device. Flotation devices are provided in the Splash Park on a first come first served basis. Non-approved devices will not be allowed.
  • Lock for locker. We do sell locks for your convenience.
  • Money for the café or ATM card for ATM machine provided for your convenience
  • Cell phones- Please use them in the lobby and bleacher areas only. Cell phones have cameras and should not be used at all in the locker rooms for this reason.

Each locker room has a side specifically for care providers and children:

  • Girls and Women and one for Adult Women ONLY(+14)
  • Boys and Men and one for Adult Men ONLY (+14)
  • Family Locker Room: If you have children over the age of 5 of the opposite sex, please use the Family Locker Room off the fitness center.
  •  Children of the opposite sex 6 years of age and older are not allowed in the locker rooms. No child should ever be in the adult side.

There are family lockers and a family changing room located on the pool deck next to the Splash Park and Warm Water Pool. When faced with the situation of being an adult with children of the opposire sex this is a great option for you.

Youth 12 and 13 years of age may use the Fitness Center or attend Group Exercise Classes when accompanied by a parent or guardian after an orientation with a UVAC Personal Trainer or Fitness Monitor.

Youth 14-16 are welcome to use the Fitness Center and Group Classes without the supervision of a parent or guardian after completing an orientation with a UVAC Personal Trainer or Fitness Monitor.

Patrons 13 years and under must pass a swim test provided by a UVAC lifeguard in order to swim alone in the competition pool. The swim test is as follows:

  • Swim one length of the pool
  • Tread Water for 1 Minute
  • Swim an additional length of the pool, back to where the patron began.

Demonstrate one or more of the following strokes during the swim test

  • Front Crawl
  • Back Crawl
  • Elementary Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Sidestroke

The patron passes the swim test

  • The patron may use the competition pool while a parent or guardian is on the competition pool deck
  • The swim test will be documented as a “pass” and signed by the lifeguard who administered it.

The patron does not pass the swim test

  • The patron may use the competition pool so long as a parent or guardian is in the water with them.
  • The swim test must be documented as a “fail” and signed by the lifeguard who administered it.

Go to Welcome Desk and they will assist you in finding your item, or call 802-296-2850. Anything not picked up within 30 days will be donated to a local charity.

Our party room overlooks the Competition Pool and is perfect to host birthday, graduation or other special occasions. Click here for our party package information. We offer party food packages or you can bring your own.

Group Visits (10 or more people from a recognized organization) may come for the day for a discount. Advanced registration required.

UVAC rents lanes in the Competition Pool for water polo, rescue classes, training session and swim meets.

  • No glass containers please! If one gets dropped and shatters, ouch! If it happens near the pools we may have to shut them down. Water and sports drinks in plastic containers are OK.
  • Smoking is prohibited.
  • Weapons of any sort are prohibited
  • Illegal drugs & alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
  • Food- For your convenience we have a cafe. You can bring your own snacks, but please limit consumption to the lobby area. Smooshed, wet Goldfish and muffins are really hard to get off the pool deck and locker room floors.
  • Injuries- Your safety is important. Please report all injuries, no matter how slight. We can help treat you, but also, it could alert us to a situation where we can take action to prevent another similar injury from happening in the future.

Children 13 years and under must be supervised at all times by a PAYING PARENT or GUARDIAN who is 18 years or older. The only exception is if the child is participating in an ORGANIZED UVAC PROGRAM where we provide the extra supervision, like swim team. Children seven years and under, must be accompanied by adult in the water with the child within arms reach.

The temperature is between 78-80 degrees all year long. It is cooler because it is a competition pool and people exercise vigorously in it. This temperature is best for training.

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Members get free classes and special discounts on programs including swim lessons, small group training, and more!

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