Hartford Learn-to-Swim

Hartford Learn-to-Swim Program at Upper Valley Aquatic Center

FREE Learn-to-Swim Program for Hartford Children

Through the Hartford Learn-to-Swim Program, over 90 Hartford students learn to swim, or improve their swimming ability each year. Developed to teach ALL Hartford second and third graders to swim, this program is free and includes transportation with after-school care, in collaboration with Hartford Parks and Recreation Department.

Program Dates for 2024-2025

Space is limited so we will focus on catching 3rd graders up on their swimming and safety skills!

  • Ottauquechee School: Oct 23 – Nov 20
  • White River School: Jan 22 – Feb 26 (No Lessons on February 19)
  • Dothan Brook School: March 5 – April 2

All lessons are after school on Wednesdays. Bus transportation is provided from school to UVAC. Please send your child with a towel, bathing suit and goggles. Each lesson day includes: swim lesson, free swim, and snack. Pick up is by 4:45 pm at UVAC. Sign out required. Registration is through the Hartford Recreation Department, and flyers do go out to each elementary school in advance of each program!

“For working parents the hours made the program so convenient.”

"When asked in surveys what we could do to improve the experience, many respondents write, “Nothing, my children loved it!”

“The instructors spent extra time with my son who is hard to handle.”

Thank you UVAC Masters Adult Swim Team for your generous donations to our Learn-to-Swim Programs!

UVAC Swim Lesson Instructors
UVAC Swim School Director, Group and Private Lesson Instructor
Swim School Assistant Director, Swim Instructor
Interim Head Coach, Assistant Masters Coach, Head Site Coach for UVAC South, Water Exercise, Group and Private Lesson Instructor
Aquatics Director, Lifeguard, Swim Instructor
Assistant Swim Coach, Pre-Team Swim Coach, Swim Instructor, Fitness Monitor
Swim Instructor

Visit Our Official Swim Team Website

Learn more and Register

Try Swim Team FREE for a week!

Click the button below to let Coach know you want to sign up today at UVAC.

Or click here to let Coach Signe know that you would like to Sign up at Colby Sawyer site.