IT Director, Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor, TRIBE Team Training Coach
802-296-2850, ext 122
BS in Information Technology, Web Design & Data Analytics - SNHU
Certified Personal Trainer, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Certified GSTC TRX Instructor
Certified HSSCS through IYCA
Certified Neurokinetic Therapist - Level 1
TRIBE Team Training Certified Coach
Experience: 13 years
Gold Level Trainer
More about Garrett
- Favorite Exercises: Deadlifts, Back Squats, Bench Press, Push ups, Hang Cleans, and Planks
- Least favorite exercise: Pull Ups
- Works well with clients of all age groups and abilities.
- Creates custom fitness programs for each client to suit that person’s specific needs and goals.
- Includes a mix of circuit training, Olympic lifting, power lifting, plyometric, balance, agility, strength, and endurance in workout plans.
- Works to improve your mobility, flexibility, and pain management.
- Favorite motivational quote:“There is no finish line. When you reach one goal find a new one.” -Chuck Norris
- Garrett has a strong cooking background. So do not be afraid to ask him for healthy recipes and food choices.
- Enjoys hiking, being outside, building websites, spending time with his family, and picking up heavy things.
- “My favorite part about being a trainer is helping people and making them aware of their potential. I truly enjoy coming to work everyday.”