Classes Specialized For Those With Parkinson's
Get the benefits of a personal trainer and the motivating effect of working with a small group in this on-going program.
“I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in March, 2015. I realized it would be a good idea to enroll in an exercise class to try to maintain my health… At my first follow up with my neurologist, I got the good news that I was doing very well, the best patient that she had. There was no stiffness or rigidity, and my strength was good. I have continued…and still to this day, have maintained by flexibility and strength, with no deterioration for 4 years. I credit this to TRX, as I get only moderate other types of exercise; occasional walking and riding a stationary bike. At my twice weekly classes, I evaluate myself for wellness, and it gives me confidence and inspiration.” – Staying Active with Parkinson’s Participant
To register for one of our programs or for more information, please contact Erin Buck, Fitness Director, at 802-296-2950 ext 112.
THREE PROGRAMS! One is just right for you!
The Pedaling for Parkinson’s™ program is based on research indicating that consistent exercise on a bicycle can reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s. In fact, participants who ride three days a week over eight weeks have shown improvement in their Parkinson’s-related symptoms by as much as 35%.
For convenience, this program is offered on indoor, stationary bikes.
Class Taught by Mel Viegener, Certified Pedaling for Parkinson's Instructor thru the Davis Phinney Foundation, and American Parkinson Disease Certified.
Dates & Pricing
- Wednesdays: 11:30am – 12:30pm
Member Price
3 Ways to Participate
- Drop in classes ($9)
- Program Only ($72)
- Program & Full Membership access ($102)
Staying Active is a class designed for people with Parkinson’s Disease to work on and maintain balance, stability, flexibility, strength, and power with a variety of movements and implements while working around each individual’s needs and restrictions.
Class Taught by Brandon Thibodeau, American Parkinson Disease Association Certified.
Dates & Pricing
- Tuesdays & Thursdays: 12:30pm
Member Price
3 Ways to Participate
- Drop in classes ($9)
- Program Only ($72)
- Program & Full Membership access ($102)
Rock Steady Boxing is a health and wellness program designed for people with Parkinson’s Disease, a neurological condition that affects balance, strength, walking, and especially confidence. It’s based on a foundation of non-contact boxing, and it’s very effective for improving all of the symptoms that people with PD typically experience.
Class Taught by Wyatt Guillette, Certified Rock Steady Boxing Coach. Teaching 3 times a week to all levels.
Dates & Pricing
- STAGES 1-2: Mondays & Fridays @ 12:30pm
- STAGES 3-4: Fridays 2:00pm
Member Price
3 Ways to Participate
- Drop in classes ($9)
- Program Only ($72)
- Program & Full Membership access ($102)
Before you begin your Rock Steady Boxing experience, we will have you evaluated by one of our Team.
- What medications are you currently taking?
- Do you have a caretaker?
- Would your caretaker be willing to assist you in your RSB classes?
- How long have you had Parkinson's?
- Do you have any other medical conditions?
- Gait evaluation looking for stride length, dragging of feet, and drop foot
- Individual appropriate stability test
- Unilateral ROM and strength test to determine affected side of body and severity
- Speech test (observed throughout the evaluation)
- Improve their confidence
- Decrease the severity of PD symptoms
- Experience reduced fear of falling down
- Perform daily activities more efficiently with higher quality
- Understand their physicality better and improve self-management
- They will be able to perform activities that many of us take for granted, like climbing stairs, entering a vehicle, and simply standing up and walking across the room. Regular training sessions will improve every area of their lives.
- Learn body weight exercises that focus on: Core work, multi-joint and multi-muscular movement to improve flexibility and range of movement
- Great functional training for life’s activities
Upper Valley Programs for Parkinson’s supports, organizes and produces programs of structured physical and social activity specific to the needs of the Parkinson’s community. Please visit www.parkinsonsprograms.org for more information about affordable, specifically designed exercise programs and resources for people with Parkinson’s Disease.
UVAC Parkinson's Exercise Program Instructors
Wellness Screening
Get to know your body better with a Wellness Screening! Find out your body composition, cardiovascular fitness, upper and lower body strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility. Begin the process of planning your individualized fitness program.
Get a MyZone Activity Tracker for Better Training
Your MyZone Activity tracker keep records of ALL your workouts with an easy to use app on your smart phone. It keeps track of your heart rate percentages, calories burned, and MyZone Effort Points (MEPs)!
For more information, contact Erin Buck
802-296-2850 ext 112