Swim Meet Advertising

Swim Meet Advertising at Upper Valley Aquatic Center

Advertise to Swim Meet Participants

Parking Passes and Banner ads. Choose which one is right for your budget and your reach.

Swim Meet Parking Passes
  • 9+ Swim Meets Per Year*
  • $500 Per Swim Meet
  • 10% Discount for Multiple Meets
  • Additional Design Fee of $50 per ad (if needed)

A parking pass will be  distributed to each car that parks at the Center for a swim meet. Your  business will be displayed on the parking pass giving each car direct exposure to your business ad about 10,000 views per year. We recommend a discount that is trackable in addition to your business info. Parking pass example.

*Meets are often added to schedule

Ad Design and Payment Information

Send a Copy of your Ad design or request for one to be made to khogan@uvacswim.org
Payment can be mailed to: Attention: Kristen Hogan, PO Box 1198, White River Junction, VT 05001
Questions: Contact Kristen, 802-296-2850 ex 111 khogan@uvacswim.org

Other Advertising Opportunities
Pool Banner
  • Yearly Sponsorship
  • $1500 Silver Level Sponsor
  • $3000 Gold Level Sponsor
  • Design and Banner Cost Included

The 4’ X 6’ banner featuring your logo and business slogan prominently displayed on the Competition Pool Deck sponsor the Hartford Learn-to-Swim Program. A FREE five‐week swim lesson series running throughout the school year. In cooperation with Hartford Schools and Recreation Department, we offer free transportation, snacks and childcare with lessons.

We serve about 600 people daily and 200,000 people yearly in the Center, 100,000 through our website, and 60,000 through social media. When you sponsor a banner, your brand is exposed on all channels.

Silver Sponsorship – $1500 annual investment
  • Business logo on our website, with a link to your business’ website
  • Lobby signage thanking you for helping save lives as a sponsor of the Free Learn-to-Swim program
  • Company ad or product announcements included in our member e-blast and on our website
  • 4’ X 6’ banner featuring your logo and business slogan prominently displayed on our pool deck. (banner cost is included in the sponsorship investment
Gold Sponsorship – $3,000 annual investment
  • All benefits of Silver Sponsorship
  • Exclusivity for your business, no other business like yours will be featured
  • Periodic table displays featuring your products and services in our atrium lobby.
  • Larger products, like automobiles, could be featured outside the main entrance
  • Logo acknowledgement on the swim lesson flyers that get distributed to all participating schools