Meet Our Management

Joe Major
Executive Director, TRIBE Team Training Coach
802-296-2850, ex 119
Jennifer Baxter
Associate Executive and Finance Director
802-296-2850, ext 113
Matt Young
Associate Executive Director
802-296-2850, ext 108
Human Resource Director
802-296-2850, ext 121
Morgan Kaden
Customer Service Manager
802-296-2850, ext 118
Membership Liaison
802-296-2850, ext 102
Kana Wyman
UVAC Swim School Director, Group and Private Lesson Instructor
802-296-2850, ext 106
Samantha Goveia
Swim School Assistant Director, Swim Instructor
802-296-2850, ext 105
Erin Buck
Fitness & Personal Training Director, PALS for Life Founder, Personal Trainer, Fitness and Cycling Instructor, TRIBE Team Training Coach
802-296-2850, ext 112
Parker Licari
Assistant Fitness Director, Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor, TRIBE Team Training Coach
802-296-2850, ext 104
Head Age Group Coach
802-296-2850, ext 105
Barbara Hummel
Head Masters Swim Coach
802-296-2850, ext 105
Signe Linville
Interim Head Coach, Assistant Masters Coach, Head Site Coach for UVAC South, Water Exercise, Group and Private Lesson Instructor
802-296-2850, ext 105
Danielle Babineau
Aquatics Director, Lifeguard, Swim Instructor
802-296-2850, ext 109
Vincent Beckley
Facilities Director, Lifeguard Instructor
802-296-2850, ext 109
Jess Lamphere
Housekeeping Supervisor
802-296-2850, ext 116
Garrett Wilson
IT Director, Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor, TRIBE Team Training Coach
802-296-2850, ext 122
Kristen Hogan
Communications Director
802-296-2850, ext 111
Erin Renninger
Interim American Red Cross Coordinator, Swim Coach, Red Cross Instructor
802-296-2850, ext 109
Interim Aquatics Director, Red Cross Certified Instructor, Lifeguard